Hey, Everyone! Aubree, here. Confession time. I've always hated getting my hair done. You see all those movies about black hair salons and how they're the center of community. Yeah, no. I never felt comfortable there. Especially at the men's barbers, (pre-transition) where I was trying to fake sports and movie conversations I knew nothing about. And then when I transitioned, I tried women's salons, but those places aren't always the most LGBTQ friendly, especially the ones playing religious Tyler Perry movies and the like. Between my introvertedness, and my social anxiety, I just never fit in. Thank goodness I found the boutique salons where it's just me and the stylist. And I finally found a great one! She's responsible for all my wonderful purple hairstyles, and it feels great! There's something special about getting your outside to match your inner queerness, especially if your trans or even just non-heteronormative presenting. Masculine women that like a nice close cut, more feminine men that don't want to navigate some more masuline spaces (like barbershops), gender nonconforming people that want to experiment with styles, we all need a space that's comfortable to us. That's why I'm so excited about our conversation with Frankie Love, Atlanta based artist and queer hairstylist. They talk about their journey and how important the work they do is. They also help us navigate some of the ins and outs of polyamory, and we tackle some of the misconceptions about it. All in all, it was just a great episode. Hope you join us. And if you're in the area and need a good cut, contact Frankie!

Guest Links:
Follow Frankie Love at:
Frankie's Barber Instagram: @everyheadismycanvas
To Book Frankie: everyheadismycanvas.com
For Candi LeCoeur’s Instagram: @candi_lecouer